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Remix from Kovasznai's films

ANIMATIONS: Video Player

Complete Filmography

1. Monologue (1963) | 12,5′ 
2. Metamorphoses (1964) | 6,5′ 
3. Young man playing the guitar at the Old Master’s
Gallery (1964) | 7,5′
4. Mirror images (1964) | 6,5′
5. Tales from the world of art (1965) | 10′
6. Joy of light (1965) | 13′
7. The thought (1966) | 50”
8. Diary (1966) | 10,5’
9. Hamlet (1967) | 14, 5′ 
10. From dusk to down / Something different (1967) | 9,5’
11. Ballad (1968) | 7,5′
12. A painter’s diary (1968) | 7′
13. It’s cool to wait (1969) | 4,5′
14. Gloria Mundi (1969) | 2′
15. The cricket’s wedding (Pastoral dance) (1969) | 6,5′
16. Light and shadow (1970) | 11,5′
17. The city through my eyes (1971) | 10’

18. Blossoming No 3369. (1971) | 18,5′
19. Wavelengths  (1971) | 6,5’
20. Calendar (1972) | 9,5′
21. Nights in the Boulevard (1972) | 9′
22. Ca Ira: The song of the French revolution (1973) | 10,5′ 
23. Memory of the summer of ’74 (1974) | 10,5’
24. This is just fashion - series (1976):  
I. Short flashback 20,5′
II. After the war 20,5′ 
III. Just be trendy 20,5′
IV. Visions 20,5′
V. Dances 20,5′
VI. Fashion for the Young 20,5′
25. Bubble Bath (“Animated musical film to the rhythm
of a heartbeat”) (1979) | 79′  
26. The week (1981) | 4’
27. Reportrait (1982) | 11′

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