Bright colors and psychedelic ecstasy were guaranteed in GoEast Film Festival's 2023 animation film program! From voracious vacuum cleaners and colorful birds to anti-capitalist protest, there really was everything to see and marvel at in the program of Hungarian and Estonian films from the 1970s and 80s. Matching the wild films, the audience was invited to come boogie and groove at the Estonian Funk Party at Schlachthof on 29th April 2023!
The film selection was an impressive lineup from the gems of Hungarian animation:
>PANIC/PANIK, Sándor Reisenbüchler, 1983 >BUBBLE BATH/HABFÜRDÖ, György Kovásznai, Ungarn, 1979 >THE AGE OF THE BARBARIANS/BARBÁROK IDEJE, Sándor Reisenbüchler, 1970 >FAREWELL LITTLE ISLAND/ISTEN VELED, KIS SZIGET, Sándor Reisenbüchler, 1987 >THE YEAR OF 1812/AZ 1812-ES ÉV, Sándor Reisenbüchler, 1972 >I LIKE LIFE A LOT/NEKEM AZ ÉLET TECCIK NAGYON, Kati Macskássy, 1977 >THE RABBIT/JÄNES, Ando Keskküla, 1976 >VACUUM CLEANER/TOLMUIMEJA, Avo Paistik, 1978 >MOONFLIGHT/HOLDMESE, Sándor Reisenbüchler, 1975 >TEN GRAMS OF IMMORTALITY/TÍZ DEKA HALHATATLANSÁG, Gyula Macskássy, Gy Várnai, 1966