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Third edition of Kovasznai Book out now

Dori Kovasznai

Updated: Jan 5, 2023

The third edition of the comprehensive monograph presenting the oeuvre of Hungarian filmmaker and painter Gyorgy Kovasznai is now available via Animatik's webshop: - Hungarian: - English: The new book by Brigitta Ivanyi-Bitter, entitled “KOVÁSZNAI: PAINTING & ANIMATION, 1960’s – 1970’s” includes the latest research into Kovásznai’s work, as well as documentation of the international reception history of the artist’s oeuvre. The 336-page publication contains prefaces by Lóránd Hegyi, Brigitta Iványi-Bitter, Professor Sarah Wilson (The Courtauld Institute of Art) and Paul Wells (Loughborough University), as well as 300 pictures from György Kovásznai’s lifework. The official book launch took place on 30th November at Einspach Fine Art and Photography in Budapest, followed by Kovasznai films screenings and a mini-exhibition throughout the week. Thanks everyone for coming! The recording of the book launch is available here:

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